Jess' Cool Website

Note: We haven't had time to fully update our website to account for plurality, so it still says "Roxy" all over it. We will eventually find time to address this. Thank you for letting us know about it!

Commission Terms

This page has all of CyanSorcery's commission terms as of July 23rd, 2024, and override any commission terms on any other site. Please read them over before commissioning us!

Commissions: Closed

Join our Discord Chat to stay up to date on commission offerings!

On This Page

Important Notice!


Before commissioning us, please be aware that our primary work is game development, and we do commissions as needed. Because we're primarily focused on game development, we do not open for commissions much, and it may take a few weeks or more to complete your commission.

If this is an issue for you, or you need a commission done quickly, you may wish to commission a different artist who can do it faster for you. Thank you for understanding!

Please do not ask us for any holiday-specific artwork if the holiday is less than 2 months away!


Please note that these are base prices, and they may increase or decrease depending on complexity. Avatars are always at a fixed price, and are always quality.

AvatarSingleExtra Characters
(couples icons, etc.)
Quality$40 USD+$35 USD Each
Bust (Chest Up)SingleExtra Characters
Fast$45 USD+$35 USD Each
Quality$60 USD+$50 USD Each
Half Body (Thighs Up)SingleExtra Characters
Fast$65 USD+$50 USD Each
Quality$85 USD+$70 USD Each
Full BodySingleExtra Characters
Fast$90 USD+$70 USD Each
Quality$120 USD+$95 USD Each
Please note, basic backgrounds are added at our discretion. Otherwise, we can't really allocate time to do art with backgrounds right now. Your artwork does not come with a background unless we decide to put one, and giving us a tip wont change this.


You may visit our art gallery to see all artworks we've done, or view all commissions we've done. Please note that not all of our artwork is included here - please visit our gallery on FurAffinity for more!

Terms and Conditions

  • You must be 18 years or older to commission art from us.
  • No holds, cash up front please. Any currency that turns into USD is ok (no bitcoins or other cryptocurrency.)
  • We've never worked well with written refs, so you must have some kind of visual ref of what you want us to draw.
  • Payment accepted through PayPal invoice only.
  • Pay with your own money, please don't use your parent's credit card.
  • If you're going in part on a big commission, please elect one person to send us the money and have them send us the money. We will only send one invoice to one person, and this is the person who we will work with on the commission (so make sure you trust them.)
  • At this time, we do not offer commercial works. If you still would like to ask, feel free! Just know that our commercial rates are much higher than personal.
  • At this time, we only deal in digital art. You will receive a digital copy of your artwork as PNG or JPG format. No physical item will be shipped to you.
  • All of our artwork commissions are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) License. This means you may share and edit the artwork, but you must credit us in some way. You may NOT use it for commercial purposes or resell the artwork.
  • We will only do NSFW artwork for people we know and trust. If we've never seen you before, please do not ask. Also, we do not take NSFW artworks through the commission/waitlist form on this page.
  • You may not create NFTs of the artwork, or otherwise involve it in any of that crypto nonsense.

What We'll Draw

  • Furries (of course)
  • Humans (wow!)
  • LGBTQ, Non-Binary, Polyam etc (should go without saying)
  • Ponies (anthro or non-anthro, but only in our own style)
  • Avians (birbs)
  • Sergals
  • Toons (including just toonifying an existing character)
  • Winged characters (though complex wings are extra)
  • Fanart (we'd prefer if we're fans too)
  • Non-Anthros (feral)
  • Taurs
  • Cool Sonic OCs, Pokesonas, etc
  • Spotted fursonas like cheetahs or sneps (spots are not extra, we just like drawing them)
NOTE: while individual things here may not cost extra, a combination of them might. For example, if your character is a taur with giant wings and spots, this may cost extra.

What We'll Draw But It'll Cost Extra

  • Simple robots, machines, vehicles etc.
  • More complex machines like cars will require a ref pic that we can trace over that you have the rights to use.
NOTE: the above would typically fall under "backgrounds", which we're not offering at this time.

What we Wont Draw

  • Violent/Bloody stuff
  • Gore (including candy gore)
  • Hateful imagery
  • Illegal stuff
  • Extreme fetishes
  • Really complex stuff, unless you have a ref we can trace over that you have the rights to use.

Commission Process

  • Please fill out the commission form to request a commission slot (The link will not be shown if commissions are closed.)
  • Filling out the form does not guarantee that you will receive a commission! The form only acts an an application for a commission slot.
  • Once you fill out the form, we will contact you to work out the commission details or let you know if we am not able to take your commission (due to too many people submitting the form, for instance.)
  • Once we agree on a commission, we'll send you an invoice. After you pay, we'll be good to go!
  • Please note, if we reach out to you and you don't respond in 2 days, or we send an invoice and you don't pay it in a timely manner, we reserve the right to cancel your commission. we'll try our best to get in contact with you beforehand though.
  • We may work on smaller pieces (such as avatars) in between bigger pieces, to make sure I give the right time and attention to the bigger pieces. Please be patient, we want to do the best we can for you.
  • You will get previews of the commission throughout the process. For avatars, you'll get a sketch and then the final product. For anything bigger, you'll get the sketch, lineart, color, and shading (when applicable.) However, if you are watching us draw the artwork in a stream, we will most likely not send these as it would be unnecessary.
  • Please let us know if there's any changes that need to be made before we move on to the next step. If there's a minor change later then we can do it, but any major changes (change in hairstyle, pose, etc) after the pic is past the sketch stage will cost extra (or we may refuse to do it.)
  • When I'm done with the artwork, we will send it to you for final approval before posting it anywhere. If you don't respond after a week, we'll just consider it done and go ahead and post it.
  • For Avatars: When the commission is done, you will get an original resolution PNG. Avatars are typically 1500x1500px.
  • For Everything Else: you will receive a downscaled PNG. High/Original res available upon request.
  • If you lost your commission, we keep backups of everything and most likely will still have it. Please ask!

Revisions and Refunds

  • We will refund the entire cost of the commission before work begins, but please note that we most likely will not take commissions from you in the future if you just commission and then change your mind.
  • If we have begun on the commission, we will not give a refund. We will also not give a refund in the condition that you receive the art and do not like it. Please be aware of our style before commissioning us.
  • Before work begins, you can change the commission as long as it fits within the original terms. After work begins, We will only do small changes. Large changes may incur additional fees.
  • Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances.
  • Please let us know about any changes when we send process updates as soon as possible! The more we've worked on the artwork, the more difficult it is to make changes to it.
  • After the commission is finalized and has been sent to you, we cannot make any additional changes to it.

About The Waitlist

Because we open commissions so infrequently, the waitlist is a way to increase your chances of commissioning us. You can let us know you're interested in a commission, and when we're caught up, we'll reach out to you and ask if you're still up to it. If you are, then we'll go ahead and make it official. This also gives you time to set aside money for us, in case the time you have money and the time we open for commissions don't align.

Please note the following additional terms of the waitlist:

  • Unless we're working super quickly, you can expect it to be about a month or so before we reach out to you.
  • If you're already on the waitlist, you can't be on it a second time. Please do not fill out the form again, as we won't give you any additional slots (and may just take you off the waitlist.) Please also don't fill out the waitlist form if you've already commissioned us but we've yet to finish it.
  • Please only fill out the waitlist form if you actually intend to commission us! We understand things can happen between filling out the form and us reaching out to you, but if it's a frequent problem where we reach out to you and you've changed your mind, we just wont let you on the waitlist anymore.
  • Once you've filled out the form, we'll reach out to you to let you know we got it.
  • You cannot give us money to turn your waitlist entry into a commission before we're ready. If we're not taking commissions, we're not taking them. We do not like to have a big queue, and do not want to allow people to just buy their way into it.
  • When we reach out to you when we're ready to talk about your commission, you must respond within a week. If you dont, then we'll just take you out of the waitlist.
  • If you've changed your mind about what you want between the time you fill out the waitlist and the time we reach out to you, that's fine! Just let us know.
  • If we change our commission prices between the time you get in the waitlist and the time we reach out to you, you'll get your commission for whatever the lower price is between when you filled out the form and when we reach out.
  • If you want off the waitlist for any reason, or want to change what you want before we reach out, feel free to let us know!
  • We may close the waitlist form if there's too many people on it.


Questions? Comments? Lamp oil? Rope? Bombs? If you have any questions, please check our carrd for our list of contacts! The easiest way to contact us is through our Discord Chat, though you may also send us a message on most other platforms listed.

If you wish to ask about your commission, please ask in the same place that we originally discussed your commission, thank you!

Commission Queue

Below is our current commission queue. Here you'll find all current commissions and their progress (The higher it is, the closer it is to completion.) The ID number matches the invoice number, and the name of the commissioner and a brief description is also provided. Please note, some commissions may not show up on this list due to commissioner privacy. If you are owed a commission and don't see it on this list, please feel free to contact us.

NOTE: The waitlist represents upcoming potential commissions that have not been taken yet.

Last updated Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024 9:50am US/Pacific.
In Progress
  • 437 Quyksilver
    Full Body Quality, 1 Character
    Progress: Sketch, Needs Correction
  • 440 ruspazzy
    Full Body Quality, 1 Character
    Progress: Sketch
  • 442 Nebby8
    Avatar, 1 Character
    Progress: Sketch
  • 443 Axel
    Avatar, 1 Character
    Progress: Sketch, Needs Correction
  • 441 Axel
    Full Body Quality, 2 Characters
    Progress: Not Started
  • 444 fl4nn
    Full Body Quality, 1 Character
    Progress: Not Started
  • 445 MellowMink
    Full Body Quality, 2 Characters
    Progress: Not Started
  • 446 SatyricalSol
    Full Body Quality, 1 Character
    Progress: Not Started
  • 447 darkwitchclaire
    Half Body Fast, 1 Character
    Progress: Not Started
  • 448 Nova
    Full Body Quality, 1 Character
    Progress: Not Started
  • Test Card 1
    Half Body Fast, 2 Characters
    Progress: Waiting
  • Test Card 2
    Full Body Quality, 555 Characters
    Progress: Waiting
  • Test Card 69 nice
    Avatar, 420 Characters
    Progress: Waiting